裂のほとり Ⅷ

-金沢にて -


This exhibition has ended.

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裂のほとり Ⅷ  -金沢にて-

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裂のほとりⅧ 金沢にて


金沢にて皆様に古裂をご紹介させていただけますこと、とても嬉しく思っております。二日間の短い会期ではございますが、どうぞお気軽にお運び下さいませ。 ささやかなひととき、古裂の魅力と愉しさをお目にかけられましたら幸いです。



11月20日(土) 10:00-18:00
11月21日(日) 10:00-18:00(最終日)








古裂古美術 蓮








新型コロナウィルス感症染拡大状況により、会期が変更になる場合がございます。 ご理解を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。






■ 会場にご入場の際はマスク(できましたら不織布マスク)のご着用、手指の消毒、検温、ご氏名とご連絡先のご記入をお願いいたします。


■ 初日20日(土)のみ、9:30より会場入口にて整理券を配布いたします。


■ 混雑状況によりましては、会場への入場制限をさせていただく場合がございます。











茜地草花文様鬼手インド更紗 19世紀

カピタン 18-19世紀  ヨーロッパ更紗 19世紀































裂のほとり Ⅷ -金沢にて-


「裂のほとり Ⅷ -金沢にて-」によせて


竹工芸家の本江和美さんとは、当店が京橋で開店しておりました15年ほど前に、ご自身の作品に取り合わせる古裂を探しに御来店下さったことが御縁となり、その後古裂を通じて愉しいお付き合いをさせていただいてまいりました。また本江さんは茶の湯を真摯に学んでおられ、お稽古に通いながら茶の湯に使う竹のお道具についても精進されていらっしゃいます。古裂の美しさや古美術品のお話、そして茶の湯を学ぶ愉しさを伺ったりと、いろいろと心に残る時間を過ごさせていただきました。その本江さんから金沢での展示会をお声がけいただき、ぜひ形にできますように進めてきた企画展です。ささやかな展示会ですが、お近くの皆様、どうぞご無理のない範囲でご予定いただけましたら幸いです。仕覆にお使いいただけるもの、仕覆の裏裂、表具裂、魅力的な断片裂、味わい深い、素敵な古裂たちをお持ちしたいと思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。







This exhibition has ended.



Exhibition“Kire no Hotori” Ⅷ 2021
In Kanazawa



“Kire no Hotori” Ⅷ 2021 In Kanazawa



Exhibition Schedule
Date: November 20th and 21th, 2021
Time: 10:00―18:00 on both days


“Secchiku-an” (雪竹庵)


5-15 Marunouchi
Ishikawa Prefecture


*About 7 minutes by taxi from Kanazawa Station. Please tell the driver “Kuromon-mae Ryokuchi” which is right next to the “Secchiku-an.



Kogire Kobijutsu Ren


* Depending on the situation with COVID-19, the exhibition schedule may change. Please check our website for the latest information.






We are holding an exhibition in Kanazawa this November.
This exhibition was proposed two years ago by Ms. Kazumi Motoe, a bamboo craftsman who makes artifacts from bamboo in Kanazawa. Originally, it was scheduled to be held last fall, but was postponed due to COVID-19. We are pleased to be able to hold this exhibition “Kireno Hotori” Ⅷ in Kanazawa this year.
At the exhibition, there will be some fragment pieces that can be used for “Shifuku, ” tea container bag fabric, and/or for lining fabric of “Shifuku ”, and also some other attractive Japanese antique fabric fragments. We will be delighted to have your presence at this exhibition.



Notice about the exhibition Please note the following for the measures against COVID-19.


■ When entering, please wear a face mask (surgical mask preferred), disinfect your hands, take temperature, and fill in your contact information. If you need a face mask, please let us know.


■ From 9:30 am, we will start distributing numbered tickets with designated admission time for the entrance.


■ In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we may need to restrict admission when congested, we appreciate your cooperation.






March “Secchiku-an”



About the venue“Secchiku-an”


“Setchiku-an” is a quaint old wooden Japanese building designated to be Kanazawa Machiya, a collection of historical buildings. Currently, it provides a space that is utilized for passing on Japanese culture such as a workshop for bamboo craftsman, Ms. Kazumi Motoe. It also serves as a place for Japanese tea ceremonies. Our exhibition will be held there. Around the area, Bakuromachi to Omicho Market, which is only 3-5 minute walk from the venue, you will find a number of long-established Japanese antique art stores. The area around Kuromon-mae Ryokuchi , which is adjacent to “Setchiku-an,” is told to be a historically significant place where Go-hime, the legal wife of the Ukita Hideie, the fourth daughter of Toshiie Maeda who is the ancestor of the Kaga domain, and the adopted daughter of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, once lived there after returning to Kanazawa.


Kanazawa Castle is located just behind the venue. We hope when you are visiting the “Kireno Hotori VIII” exhibition, you will also enjoy a leisurely walk around the venue with the beautiful view of O-tebori moat.


Kogire Kobijyutsu Ren

Hiroko Tabe