裂のほとり Ⅶ

後期 「文様の美」



This exhibition has ended.

For English, please scroll down.




裂のほとり Ⅶ




紫地白梅文様絞り染め裂 江戸時代 17世紀頃




表裂裏裂ともに江戸時代 18世紀




雲文型染裂 明治時代 19世紀




江戸時代 19世紀




柳につばめ文様平絹 明治時代 19世紀











裂のほとり Ⅶ
後期 「文様の美」    

For English, please scroll down.



後期 「文様の美」






10月1日(金) 12:00-18:00
10月2日(土) 12:00-18:00




東京都中央区銀座8-7-18 1階
最寄り駅 東京メトロ銀座駅から徒歩8分





古裂古美術 蓮







■ ご入場の際はマスク(できましたら不織布マスク)のご着用・手指の消毒・検温・ご氏名とご連絡先のご記入をお願いいたします。


■ 11:30より会場入口にてご入場時間を指定させていただいた整理券を配布いたします。


■ 会場入口が近隣店舗様と接近しているため、会場前に列の状態でお並びいただくことができませんので、大変恐縮ですが、整理券配布時間よりも前にお並びいただかないよう皆様のご協力をお願いいたします。11:30に入口にいらしていただいた方から順に配布いたします。


■ 密を避けるため、会場内にご入場されるお客様の人数を7名様前後までとさせていただきます。お一人様あたりのご滞在時間はお会計を含めて40分程度以内までに区切らせていただきます。


■ 開催中会場内の人数を7名様前後に保つ形で、お一人様のお時間の区切りごとに随時入替制とさせていただきます。前の入場人数によりましては2名様以上でご来場されたお客様の入場時間が分かれる場合もございます。ご容赦下さいませ。


■ 混雑状況によりましては会期中のいかなる時間帯でも、ご入場時間を指定させていただいた整理券をお渡しする可能性がございます。(御来場いただいた際にすぐにご入場できない場合はお待ちいただく形になります。)


■ 万が一、閉場時間以前に、1日にご入場可能な人数分の整理券配布を終了した場合、インスタグラムの投稿とホームページにて告知いたします。(整理券配布が終了となりました場合、閉場時間前に御来場いただきましてもご入場していただくことができません。誠に申し訳ございません。ご注意下さい。)


■ 前期・後期ともこちらの流れにて開催いたします。














This exhibition has ended.


Exhibition “Kire no Hotori” Ⅶ 2021


First Half: The Beauty of Monochrome
Second Half: The Beauty of Patterns




Second Half: The Beauty of Patterns

The Beauty of Patterns


Since ancient times, patterns on fabrics often indicate people’s wishes and prayers. And each of them has its own meaning and they have been passed down to this day.
As for clothing, which covers the human body and soul, auspicious patterns are placed to wish the wearer’s happiness, or filled with a motif that means prosperity. In this way, the patterns surrounds us intimately as an expression of prayer and gracefulness. While the patterns of flowers and plants that color the Japanese four seasons of have a religious significance because of the strong vitality and spirituality of the plants, they also. expresses the breath of nature. This exhibition will focus on the existence of “patterns”and introduce attractive patterns and their expressions. We will also have small adorable fabric pieces. Please come and appreciate the uniqueness of various patterns.


Kogire Kobijyutsu Ren

Hiroko Tabe






cotton 19th century late Edo period



Exhibition Title
Second Half: The Beauty of Patterns


Exhibition Schedule
Date: October 1st and 2nd,2021
Time: 12:00―18:00


Tokyo・Ginza Gekkousou Gashitsu 2


8-7-18 1F Ginza Cyuuou-ku, Tokyo


Gekkousou Gazaiten


8 minute walk from Ginza Station (Metro Ginza Line)
3 minute walk from Shinbashi Station (JR Line)


Kogire Kobijutsu Ren



■Notice about the Exhibition Please note the following for the measures against COVID-19.


■When entering please wear a face mask (surgical mask preferred), disinfect your hands, take temperature, and fill in your contact information. If you need a face mask, please let us know.


■From 11:30 am, we will start distributing numbered tickets with designated admission time for the entrance.


■Since the venue’s entryway is close to those of the neighboring stores, please do not line up in front of the venue prior to 11:30 am. We will start distributing the tickets on a first come first served basis starting at 11:30.


■In order to keep the proper social distance between customers, we will have to limit the number of customers at the venue to around 7 people at a time. Because of these constraints, we will also have to ask you to limit your time at the venue to be around 40 minutes (including checkout time) per person. We appreciate your understanding.


■During the exhibition, as we will be keeping the number of the visitors to be no more than 7 people at any given time, multiple people may not be able to enter at the same time. We greatly appreciate your collaboration.


■Should the venue become overcrowded, we plan on giving out numbered tickets with a designated admission time. Please understand that there may be a possibility that we may have to ask you to wait until the designated time of the entrance.


■In an unlikely event that the numbered tickets are all given out before the closing time, we will notify on our Instagram and home page.


■We will follow the above guidelines for both of our exhibitions.


Thank you.








浅葱麻地薄文様型染裂 明治 19世紀











紫地藤文能装束解き奉納裂 江戸後期

木綿 出雲地方 足ふき 明治