十二月には 赤の色が想われる。
赤といえば、いつも思い起こされるのは フランス・パリにあるクリュニー中世美術館所蔵の「貴婦人と一角獣」です。
もう十二年近く経つ、東京・六本木の国立新美術館に奇跡の初来日をしたときのこと。いつかまた この目で観ることのできる日が来るといい。
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December reminds me of the color of red. Speaking of red, I always remember the “The Lady and the Unicorn” from the Musée de Cluny, Paris in France. I cannot forget the beauty and the depth of the red color of the tapestries. I wanted to put it down in writing so I don’t forget how much I was moved.
As I approached one of the six tapestries,
the moment I saw the renowned red back style “Mille -fleurs”-literally meaning thousand flowers,
it felt as though thousands of petals were dancing in the wind and felt like wind was blowing around me.
Only a limited number of colors were used,
the three dimensional effect of the color gradation was
similar to that of “Ungen”*
Silent play and the mysterious unicorn,
The deep red color that leads the storyline of the six fables is engraved in my heart forever and became unforgettable.
*Ungen: A method of dying in which a color repeatedly goes from dense to diffuse, diffuse to dense – imported from western China and used in Buddhist pictures, temple ornaments, etc., during the Nara and Heian period.
2024. 12. 25
古裂古美術 蓮